Sunday, July 19, 2015

Design Project

Foothill Blvd Redevelopment Project

Presented by

RAD Raadgevend
Kevin Carstens, Kaylinn Roseman, and Alex Sandoval

Proposed Area:

Foothill Blvd from Ferrini Rd (west) to east of Santa Rosa St (east)

Project Issues/Challenges:

Our Plan:


Responses to a few Email Points:

Construction costs: We may have double counted the construction costs for some of the items.  For instance, the raised pedestrian platform is the cost per installation.  Installation means that it includes labor/construction costs.  Aligning broad with Chorro is almost all construction.  If we do a rough recalculation, we get:

This comes from removing the alignment, and adjusting the costs of intersections.  The intersections included construction in most cases.  Recalculating to remove the double counts is important because firms compete through bids.  If an engineer miscalculates/double counts, he could potentially cost his firm the job.

People plazas:  When we mentioned people plazas, we pedestrian-oriented areas.  In a "people plaza" we would expect to see storefronts with housing above; everything the residents need is within walking distance.  The result would be similar to the new development in Rijswijk.  Ideally, these developments would be car free.

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